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Typeorm nested relations for self referenced enitity

I have the following database structure: 2 table DB structure

The questions table is linked with the answers table through answers.questionId references

The self-referenced table is referenced through answers.parentId references

For example, I have the following data:

Questions table:

questions table entries

Answers table

answers table entries

Is it possible to get something like this (by querying with typeor):

[{id: 1, question: "What is my name?", answers: [{ value: "Man" }, { value: "Boss"}] },
 {id: 2, question: "Where I am?", answers: [*{ value: "Country", answers: [{ value: "Ro" }, { value: "En" }] }*, {value:"Iland"}]

I want to have the answers self-referenced relations as well.

I tried this:

  relations: ['answers'],

But obviously I get only the question and answer array

Is it possible to do something like that with an orm like TypeOrm?

Thanks for reading this!


  • I manage to fix it. If somebody have similar issues, here is the code:

            'answer.parentId is NULL',
          .leftJoinAndSelect('answer.children', 'answer2')