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Any way to speed up Python and Pygame?

I am writing a simple top down RPG in Pygame, and I have found that it is quite slow.... Although I am not expecting python or pygame to match the FPS of games made with compiled languages like C/C++ or even Byte Compiled ones like Java, but still the current FPS of pygame is like 15. I tried rendering 16-color Bitmaps instead of PNGs or 24 Bitmaps, which slightly boosted the speed, then in desperation, I switched everything to black and white monochrome bitmaps and that made the FPS go to 35. But not more. Now according to most game development books I have read, for a user to be completely satisfied with game graphics, the FPS of a 2d game should at least be 40, so is there ANY way of boosting the speed of pygame?


  • Use Psyco, for python2:

    import psyco

    Also, enable doublebuffering. For example:

    from pygame.locals import *
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution, flags, bpp)

    You could also turn off alpha if you don't need it:


    Instead of flipping the entire screen every time, keep track of the changed areas and only update those. For example, something roughly like this (main loop):

    events =
    for event in events:
        # deal with events
    rects = my_sprites.draw()
    activerects = rects + oldrects
    activerects = filter(bool, activerects)
    oldrects = rects[:]
    for rect in rects:
        screen.blit(bgimg, rect, rect)

    Most (all?) drawing functions return a rect.

    You can also set only some allowed events, for more speedy event handling:

    pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP])

    Also, I would not bother with creating a buffer manually and would not use the HWACCEL flag, as I've experienced problems with it on some setups.

    Using this, I've achieved reasonably good FPS and smoothness for a small 2d-platformer.