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How can I wrap a non-Traits model for use with Python Traits?

I would like to wrap a non-Traits model class for use with Python Traits. My goal is to write a Traits-based UI to manipulate an "external" model class. The external model class has been generated by SWIG and so I cannot add enthought.traits.api.HasTraits as an ancestor (I think, though I may be wrong).

My current best attempt is

from enthought.traits.api import HasStrictTraits, Property, Instance

class ExternalModel():
    foo = 'foo'

class TraitsModel(HasStrictTraits):
    _e = Instance(ExternalModel)

    def __init__(self):
        self._e = ExternalModel()
        self.add_trait('foo', Property(lambda     :getattr(self._e,'foo'     ),
                                       lambda attr:setattr(self._e,'foo',attr)))

which causes the Traits-based class TraitsModel to have a mutable property which delegates to the contained non-Traits ExternalModel instance. However, TraitsModel.trait_names() doesn't report 'foo' as a recognized trait.

Any suggestions for how to have TraitsModel report a 'foo' trait which is linked to ExternalModel? enthought.traits.api.DelegatesTo seems to require the target be a Traits class (though I may not have found the right invocation and that is possible).

A more MVC-ish approach is probably to have a Traits-based view of my ExternalModel. I've been unable to figure out having a non-Traits model for a Traits-based view. Suggestions in that direction also greatly welcome.

Update I have figured out how to get HasTraits as the ExternalModel superclass using the approach at and it seems to have been a complete waste of time. Apparently the SWIG voodoo and the Traits hoodoo do not jive. Wrapping ExternalModel within TraitsModel as this question asks seems the best route.


  • from enthought.traits.api import HasStrictTraits, Instance, Property
    class ExternalModel(object):
        foo = 'foo'
    class TraitsModel(HasStrictTraits):
        _e = Instance(ExternalModel, ExternalModel())
        def __init__(self):
            >>> wrapper = TraitsModel()
            >>> = 'bar'
            >>> wrapper.trait_names()
            ['trait_added', '_e', 'foo', 'trait_modified']
            for trait in (name for name in dir(self._e) if not name.startswith('__')):
                        lambda:getattr(self._e, trait),
                        lambda attr:setattr(self._e, trait, attr)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import doctest

    A fairly robust solution is to use the add_class_trait of the HasTraits class, coupled with dir(self._e) to get the names of the class attributes of ExternalModel and a generator expression/list comprehension to filter the magic class method names (filter with an appropriate function would work better for wrapping a more complex class).


    • ExternalModel should inherit from object

    • __init__ should call HasStrictTraits.__init__ (or super(HasStrictTraits, self).__init__())

    • _e can also be created in the Instance trait declaration as the second argument using ExternalModel() or even (), or as a method of TraitsModel like:

      def __e_default(self): # note preceding underscore
          return ExternalModel()

    Lastly, I have an slightly old copy of the Enthought APIs including Traits which can be very handy.