I try to create a nice waterfall map with gnuplot showing the development of an optical spectrum with current. My goal is to achieve something close to this :
I have tried this command
splot [][1160:1200][-80:-30] "Waterfall.txt" u 1:2:3 w l lw 3 lc rgb 'black'
The "Waterfall.txt" file has the format suggested in the accepted answer here Gnuplot: fence plot from data. I have ignored z-data values lower than -80, substituting them with NaN.
The outcome is shown in the next image link.
As you can see, compared with the previous figure, this is confusing to the reader. How can I fix it in order for it to be close to the first image and thus more clear to the viewer ?
Thanks to @Ethan's answer it worked. The outcome is shown in the figure below. The only problem is the transparency of each fence, that reveals partially the subsequent fences.
Assume twenty 2D files each containing Y and Z:
Gnuplot version 5.2
filename(i) = 'silver.dat'
set pm3d scansauto
set style fill solid noborder
set xyplane at 0
set log z
unset key
splot for [k=20:1:-1] filename(k) using 1:(k):2:(1.0):2 with zerrorfill \
fc "white" lc "black" lw 2