Hi every body I'm learning Symfony 5, on migrations lessons, after a lot of make:migration
commands, this time I've this messageenter image description here
And on doctrine:migrations:migrate
command, I've this error
enter image description here
But in my migrations file , there's a migration with create etudiant
So I'll know how to run that one migration for having that table in my database, Thanks!
This Error often happened when you got some differents between the last migration file and your BDD.
First of all your script seems to drop 'etudiant' table but this one does not exist. May be you have drop it before. However you have many possibility :
You can delete all migration file on your symfony project (under migrations folder), then delete all sql entry on doctrine_migration_versions
After that you can redo your migration command line (make:migration and doctrine:migrations:migrate).
You can edit the last migration file on your symfony projet and delete the drop table in trouble.