I want to scan archived data (listed dics) with individual geofiles and add the file path as link into the popup:
locations_map = Map()
Marker(location = [47.981300, 7.842700],
icon = folium.Icon(color = 'blue')));
file_dict = [{'file' : '/data/test 6/', 'go' : 'one', 'loc' : '47.981367, 7.842787'},
{'file' : '/data/TEST4a/', 'go' : 'two', 'loc' : '47.981767, 7.842097'}]
for i in pd.Series(file_dict):
name = i['go']
file_dir = i['file']
locations = i['loc'].split(",")
folium.features.RegularPolygonMarker(location = [locations[0], locations[1]],
tooltip = name,
popup = "Name:" + name
+ "Location: " + ("<a href=file_dir>open</a>")
to open in browser:
webbrowser.open("locations_map.html", new=2);
the output gives me /MyMagnumMint/Archive-Mapping/file_dir
, instead of /MyMagnumMint/Archive-Mapping/data/test 6/
and /MyMagnumMint/Archive-Mapping/data/TEST4a/
I tried with different quotes ("<a href='file_dir'>open</a>"
) and the "https" feature for RegularPolygonMarkers.
for i in pd.Series(file_dict):
name = i['go']
file_dir = i['file']
hyperlink_format = '<a href="{link}">{text}</a>'
hyperlink = hyperlink_format.format(link=directory, text='open')
locations = i['loc'].split(",")
folium.features.RegularPolygonMarker(location = [locations[0], locations[1]],
tooltip = name,
popup = "Name:" + name
+ "Location: " + hyperlink
thx to this post!