I have a small script (not created by me) in python to tweet, in this way however I can only tweet text, there is a way to also tweet images, videos, retweets and replies. The script work with tweepy
Here is the script:
import tweepy
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("API KEY", "API SECRET")
auth.set_access_token("ACCESS TOKEN", "ACCESS TOKEN SECRET")
api = tweepy.API(auth)
tweet = input("What Would You Like To Tweet? ")
api.update_status(status =(tweet))
print ("Done!")
In order to tweet images, videos, retweets etc. indeed you need other functions of the api to call (otherwise how it could differ between different commands?)
You need the checkout the tweepy documentation to get comprehensive answers but:
filename = "image_to_be_sent.png"
status = "Hello World!"
api.update_with_media(filename = filename, status = status)
api.retweet(id) # you should now the tweet id you want to retweet
In order to reply you can use either api.update_status()
or api.update_with_media()
depending on if, you want to attach an image or video or not. You should only set the optional argument in_reply_to_status_id
filename = "image_to_be_sent.png"
status = "Hello World!"
api.update_with_media(filename = filename, status = status, in_reply_to_status_id = in_reply_to_status_id)