I begin and learn about VueJS 2 programmation. I need to add cards in my website. I created my own component 'Cards.vue', I've include the card component prodided by Bootstrap-Vue Cards.vue should be used in Home.vue. I have to modify the several "img-src" in Home.vue.
Code of Cards.vue :
title="Card Title"
img-alt="One's image alt"
style="max-width: 20rem;"
<slot name="text">
"Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content."</slot>
<b-button href="#" variant="primary">
<slot name="button-txt"> Go somewhere </slot>
export default{
name : 'CardS'
My code in Home.vue :
<section class="bg-light py-5">
<template v-slot:text>
<p>One's product</p>
<template v-slot:button-txt>
<span>Got it !</span>
<bscard imgsrc="imgsrc[1]">
<template v-slot:text>
<p>One's product</p>
<template v-slot:button-txt>
<span>Got it !</span>
<bscard v-bind:imgsrc="imgsrc[2]">
<template v-slot:text>
<p>One's product</p>
<template v-slot:button-txt>
<span>Got it !</span>
// @ is an alias to /src
import CardS from "@/components/Contents/Cards.vue";
export default {
name: "Home",
components: {
bscard: CardS
return {
imgsrc : [
If you want to add an image in your card, you should add a prop to your component.
export default{
name : 'CardS',
and in you template
And in you home page
<bscard :src="imgsrc[1]">