Could not figure out a way to append data at the end of specific column in google sheets through v4 APIs.
I know we can append a completely new row using Append API:
But this adds a completely new row starting from 1st column. I need to push/append data starting from specific column only.
Like following is the sheet I am working on:
Now I need to add multiple categories like "Ca1" and "Cat2" to the Categories column. I know I can pass data for not to be filled/edited columns as null like:
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
But after this, if next time I need to append data to Tags column (say Tag1, Tag2) only using the same format, the resulting sheet would become:
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
And hence empty spaces in between like C6 cell will increase if there is no solution, once data becomes huge. I need to maintain the data like this only (column-wise only).
Is there any solution to append data at the end of a specific column?
You can determine the next empty cell using the existing values and then define your range from there.
var lastRow = ValueRange.values.length;
var range = 'Sheet1!C' + (lastRow+1);
'majorDimension': 'COLUMNS',
'values': [['Tag1']]
{ valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED' }