I have the following in my REPL:
scala> trait T[A]
defined trait T
scala> :kind T[A] forSome {type A}
T[_]'s kind is A
scala> :kind T[_]
T[_]'s kind is A
Now when i do:
trait e[_] extends T[_]
I get
error: class type required but T[_] found
However the following works:
scala> trait e[_] extends T[Int]
defined trait e
scala> :kind T[Int]
T[Int]'s kind is A
Why is T[Int] treated differently from T[_], while they are of the same Kind ?
It's not about kind, it's about whether a type is a class type (including traits) or not.
You can write
type T <: U
for every type U
trait T extends U
only for a class type U
Subtyping and inheritance/subclassing are different.
The type corresponding to a trait T[A]
is a class type for every type A
. So T[Int]
is a class type. (When you write extends A[B]
it's important that A
is a class type, B
can be arbitrary type.)
Existential type (like T[_]
aka T[A] forSome {type A}
) is not a class type. (You can also think of T[_]
as a supertype of all T[A]
. Actually, T[_]
is the least upper bound of all T[A]