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Xcode if statement never recognizes Active Compilation Conditions

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As you can see, in my Active compilation conditions I have 2 flags(or whatever it is called), A and B.
I have 2 targets, so the first target has flag A, the second target has flag B...
In code, I am trying to define a value depending on selected app target, but problem is that it never enters the #if block, but always the #else block.
I have been trying to solve this for hours, but nothing helped me. I also tried to put -D in my flag name, tried to also define the A and B in Other Swift Flags... Nothing worked.

This is my simple code:

#if A
    #define kId @"a1a2a3" //never executed.
    #define kId @"b1b2b3" //always executed. Weird thing is also that I put a breakpoint here but its never catched...

Apple Clang - Preprocessing


  • Active Compilation Conditions are for Swift and are analogous to Preprocessor Macros in Objective-C/C/C++.

    In C-based languages lines beginning with # are preprocessor directives.

    Since you are using Objective-C, to use #if in your code the value of A should be non-zero. If you only want to test whether A is defined you may use #ifdef instead. Define A=1 in the Preprocessor Macros under Apple Clang - Preprocessing.