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Plotting Log-normal scale in matplotlib

I've got these two lists which are x,y points to be plotted:

microns = [38,  45,  53,  63,  75,  90, 106, 125, 150, 180]
cumulative_dist = [25.037, 32.577, 38.34, 43.427, 51.57,56.99, 62.41,69.537,74.85, 81.927]

The thing is I need to plot them following the scale showed in the image below (more info here), which is a log-normal plot.

How can I get this scale using matplotlib?

I guess I'll need to use matplotlib.scale.FuncScale, but I'm not quite sure how to get there.

enter image description here


  • After David's insightful comment I've read this page and managed to plot the Figure the way I wanted.

    enter image description here

    from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, AutoLocator
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    import pandas as pd
    import probscale
    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(9, 6))
    microns = [38,  45,  53,  63,  75,  90, 106, 125, 150, 180]
    cumulative_dist = [25.037, 32.577, 38.34, 43.427, 51.57,56.99, 62.41,69.537,74.85, 81.927]
    probscale.probplot(pd.Series(microns, index=cumulative_dist), ax=ax, plottype='prob', probax='y', datascale='log',
                       problabel='Cumulative Distribution (%)',datalabel='Particle Size (μm)',
                       scatter_kws=dict(marker='.', linestyle='none', markersize=15))
    ax.set_xlim(left=28, right=210)
    ax.set_ylim(bottom=1, top=99)
    ax.set_title('Log Normal Plot')
    ax.grid(True, axis='both', which='major')
    formatter = ScalarFormatter()
    ax.set_xticks([])  # for major ticks
    ax.set_xticks([], minor=True)  # for minor ticks