I was surprised to see a huge uptick on my Google Firebase Hosting Usage tab, where my daily download was suddenly up in the 3-4 GB of hosting downloads! I figured I needed to look into this, but ... how? I can't seem to see a way to figure out who is making all these requests or from where, or what files are being downloaded so much.
I assume that the Google Cloud Console has this data hidden away somewhere, but I couldn't work out how to find it. I looked under https://cloud.google.com/monitoring but I couldn't figure out how to get at the data there either.
I would very much appreciate some help or pointers at how to drill into your Firebase usage beyond the simple 'Usage' tabs the console provides.
For your use case scenario, it doesn't seems like Cloud Monitoring can do any further assistance.
That's being said, I believe you need to follow this document in-order to link your Firebase project to Cloud Logging to view, search, and filter your web request logs for each of your Hosting sites.