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Arduino class to control a RGB led

I'm a new arduino user, so I'm learning now...

I want make a new class to control my RGB led...

I already use this led with a method on my code... But I want to generalize the code to put more led without ctrl+c ctrl+v my code.

I create the class:

class StatusLED {
  int pinVermelho;
  int pinVerde;
  int pinAzul;

    StatusLED(int pinRed, int pinGreen, int pinBlue) {
      this->pinVermelho = pinRed;
      this->pinVerde = pinGreen;
      this->pinAzul = pinBlue;

    void RGB(int red, int green, int blue) {
      Serial.print(", ");
      Serial.print(", ");
      digitalWrite(pinVermelho, 255 - red);
      digitalWrite(pinVerde, 255 - green);
      digitalWrite(pinAzul, 255 - blue);


I initialize that with the pins of my RBG led:

#define pinoAzul 9
#define pinoVerde 10
#define pinoVermelho 11

StatusLED led(pinoVermelho, pinoVerde, pinoAzul);

And to test it I use:

void setup() {
  pinMode(pinoAzul, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pinoAzul, LOW);
  pinMode(pinoVerde, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pinoVerde, LOW);
  pinMode(pinoVermelho, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pinoVermelho, LOW);

void loop() {
  led.RGB(255, 0, 0);
  led.RGB(0, 255, 0);
  led.RGB(0, 0, 255);

The method RGB is called, but my led don't turn on.

If i move the RGB method to outside of my class, this works fine.

Can someone please tell my what I'm doing worng?


  • I moved the configuration of pins as OUTPUT to constructor of my class like that:

    StatusLED::StatusLED(int pinRed, int pinGreen, int pinBlue) {
      this->pinRed = pinRed;
      pinMode(pinRed, OUTPUT);
      this->pinGreen = pinGreen;
      pinMode(pinGreen, OUTPUT);
      this->pinBlue = pinBlue;
      pinMode(pinBlue, OUTPUT);
      RGB(0, 0, 0);

    This solve the problem.

    I also change the method RGB to use analogWrite as you tell and now the fade is working well too.

    void StatusLED::RGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {
      if (redValue > 255) {
        redValue = 255;
      if (greenValue > 255) {
        greenValue = 255;
      if (blueValue > 255) {
        blueValue = 255;
      if (redValue < 0) {
        redValue = 0;
      if (greenValue < 0) {
        greenValue = 0;
      if (blueValue < 0) {
        blueValue = 0;
      analogWrite(pinRed, 255 - redValue);
      analogWrite(pinGreen, 255 - greenValue);
      analogWrite(pinBlue, 255 - blueValue);

    Thanks everyone!