I am trying to accomplish sharding within 2 machines with config server, router, 1 shard in machine A and another shard in machine B. I am finding it hard to do this as I am a beginner and also can't find much documentation/ tutorials online. I have started a two mongod instances one as config server and another as shard, but clueless on how to proceed.
Below is the sharding configuration in two of my mongod (config and shard ) conf files:
Config server:
clusterRole: configsvr
clusterRole : shardsvr
As per the documentation , the next step is to execute the command rs.initiate(), but I don't require replication. I still tried to execute just in case and received below error:
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "This node was not started with the replSet option",
"code" : 76,
"codeName" : "NoReplicationEnabled"
Is it mandatory to have replication while sharding? How to do sharding without replication within 2 machines?
That's not possible, see sharding Options:
requires the mongod instance to be running with replication. To deploy the instance as a replica set member, use thereplSetName
setting and specify the name of the replica set.
But you can have a replica set with just one member, that's no problem. The replica set will have only the primary, should work.