I would like to receive sensor data from BLE devices by notifications using pydbus. I am using GLib with main loop Linked a part of my code:
def sensor1_handler(iface, prop_changed, prop_removed):
if 'Value' in prop_changed:
"""Handle values"""
def sensor2_handler(iface, prop_changed, prop_removed):
if 'Value' in prop_changed:
"""Handle values"""
sensor1=bus.get("org.bluez", "/org/bluez/hciX/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/serviceYYYY/charYYYY")
sensor2=bus.get("org.bluez", "/org/bluez/hciX/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/serviceYYYY/charYYYY")
sensor1.onPropertiesChanged = sensor1_handler
sensor2.onPropertiesChanged = sensor2_handler
When I would like to receive the notifications, the two signals arrive almost the same time and only one (the first arrived notification) Notification Callback function runs.
How could I solve this problem? I was thinking on a message queue.
sensor1 function:
def sensor1_handler(iface, prop_changed, prop_removed):
if 'Value' in prop_changed:
temperatureLSB = prop_changed['Value'][1]
temperatureMSB = prop_changed['Value'][0]
humidityLSB = prop_changed['Value'][3]
humidityMSB = prop_changed['Value'][2]
temperature = temperatureLSB | (temperatureMSB << 8)
humidity = humidityLSB | (humidityMSB << 8)
sensor2 function:
def sensor2_handler(iface, prop_changed, prop_removed):
if 'Value' in prop_changed:
iaqLSB = prop_changed['Value'][1]
iaqMSB = prop_changed['Value'][0]
iaq = iaqLSB | (iaqMSB << 8)
sensor2 data sent before sensor1 so sensor2 data arrives first. The two data arrives from the same device, I did not add the other devices yet.
Thank you for every help!
After many attemptions, I've noticed the problem was on my server side. The two sensor data was sent from one device with ~10ms difference and the message sending was not in Notification mode but Indication.
I have not noticed it before, because I have sent only 1 sensor data with 2 seconds difference but problem came when I was trying to send 2 messages almost simultaneously.
After setting it to Notification, the server could send messages rapidly (did not need acknoledgement).
I know this error was not caused by pydbus in the end, but by my fault. I hope that if someone finds a similar problem, they should check the sender (server) side as well.