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How to write anything to files from vars with gforth?

I use few gforth codes & I now want to register results

when I try :

0 value output 

\ some other code

50 testvar !

: test 

  s" .test" r/w open-file throw fd-out

  testvar @ fd-out write-line throw

  fd-out  write-file throw

  fd-out  close-file throw


I got an memory address error

fd-out  write-file  
:119: Invalid memory address
fd-out  >>>write-file<<<

I refer to official documentation but I found nowhere what am I supposed to do to have right memory address depending on variable I set (can be either text & numbers (both)).


  • Francois,

    In s" .test" r/w open-file throw fd-out does fd-out get the correct value? I would expect a to before fd_out, assuming fd_out is defined with Value.

    write-line requires a string (write-line ( c-addr u fileid -- ior ) file: General files), see

    So s" 50" would work for the write-line instead of testvar @ which is incomplete, as also an string address is needed on the stack.

    write-file also requires a string (write-file ( c-addr u1 fileid – ior ) file: General files), not just the fd_out.

    With these changes it should work, good luck!