I am trying to Create Form Recognizer through ARM. I am getting this error while passing the Key Vault details for encryption with customer managed key. I am getting this error only when attaching key vault details. Even Azure portal is also showing this error. can anyone please explain what does it means.
"error": {
"code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment",
"message": "The template deployment 'TestFormRecognizerdeployment' is not valid
according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '367569de-8774-4ef9-a158
-a82132f19e0d'. See inner errors for details.",
"details": [
"code": "BringOwnFeatureNotEnabled",
"message": "Bring your own feature is not enabled for Subscription/SKU/Kind
My understanding you are trying to make use of customer managed key. Before making use of it you will have to fill out the request form here :
Cognitive Services Customer Managed Keys and Bring Your Own Storage access request
Once this has been approved (usually takes around 5 business days).Upon the Approval, the feature responsible for the customer managed key will be activated/enabled on the subscription. You should be able to get passed the mentioned error.