I have a document with subject headers being enclosed in "|" characters.
E.g. "| LINKS |"
I want to check the string if it begins and ends with "|" character to verify that the particular document's subject header is valid. How do I do so ?
@filetarget = " < document file location here > "
@line = ""
file = File.new(@filetarget)
while (@line = file.gets)
if((@line.start_with?("|")) and (@line.end_with?("|")))
puts "Putting: " + @line
Document text for parsing:
http://www.extremeprogramming.org/ <1>
http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeProgramming <2>
http://xprogramming.com/index.php <3>
* Test comment
* Test comment 2
* Test comment 3
You can just use a simple regular expression:
if line =~ /^\|.*\|$/
That way you can verify other things, like that the header has to be all caps and needs spaces around it (/^\|\s[A-Z]+\s\|$/