I am writing a python script that will gather data from a serial port. I am able to gather the data and when it comes out it says b'1'
I want to make an if statement for if it comes out as b'1'
then I want it to run a function.
This is my code.
import serial
import time
z1baudrate = 115200
z1port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
z1serial = serial.Serial(port=z1port, baudrate=z1baudrate)
z1serial.timeout = 2
print (z1serial.is_open)
if z1serial.is_open:
while True:
size = z1serial.inWaiting()
if size:
data = z1serial.read(size)
print (data)
print ("no data")
print("z1serial not open")
What should I do?
You can use "==" operator with bytes.
if z1serial.is_open == b'1':
should do the trick.