I need to write one query that returns both the average value of fields in a group as well as the average of the top 33% of the values of those fields in a group.
UserId | Sequence | Value | Value2
1 | 1 | 5 | 0
1 | 2 | 10 | 15
1 | 3 | 15 | 20
1 | 4 | NULL | 25
1 | 5 | NULL | 30
1 | 6 | NULL | 60
The return needs to also contain the denominators used to calculate the means, I want to group by user and return something like this:
UserId | ValueMean | ValueDenom | ValueTopNMean | ValueTopNDenom | Value2Mean | Value2Denom | Value2TopNMean | Value2TopNDenom
1 | 10 | 3 | 15 | 1 | 25 | 6 | 45 | 2
I've tried various window functions (NTILE, PERCENT_RANK, etc.), but what is tricky is I have multiple fields of values that will need to undergo this same operation, and the denominators for each Value field will vary (n% will stay the same, however). Please let me know if I've been unclear or you need more information.
The overall average and top value, as well as the count of non-null
values, can easily be computed with aggregate functions.
As for the average and count of top N values: you can use ntile()
in a subquery to identify the relevant rows first, then use that information in conditional expressions within aggregate functions in the outer query.
avg(value) avg_value,
count(value) cnt_value,
max(value) top_value,
avg(case when ntile_value = 1 then value end) avg_topn_value,
sum(case when ntile_value = 1 then 1 else 0 end) cnt_topn_value
from (select t.*, ntile(3) over(order by value) ntile_value from mytable t) t
group by userid