I am looking for some help please to print a reactive value in a Shiny session into a docx with WordR. A very stripped down version of my app is presented below.
The code for the docx template is `r reactive({declared_user()})`
(which is bookended with MS Word’s formatting symbols). I don’t know how to show the format symbols or provide the docx template here on SO but that’s the only applicable code.
I have tried numerous ways of wrapping the declared_user()
in a reactive context in both the r file and docx but still can’t seem to see either value/user in ‘slt_input’ printing out in rprt_out.docx.
All that prints out is… function () { .dependents$register() if (.invalidated || .running) { ..stacktraceoff..(self$.updateValue()) } if (.error) { stop(.value) } if (.visible) .value else invisible(.value) }
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput('slt_input', 'name', choices = c("god", 'devil')),
actionButton("btn_inline", 'inline')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
declared_user <- reactive({
renderInlineCode("rprt_tmplt.docx", "rprt_out.docx")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Here is a solution. I think 2 things complicated the issue:
extracts the R code from the .docx template and uses eval
to evaluate the code. Somehow, it couldn't use the correct environment for the evaluation. Therefore I slightly changed the code so that you can pass the environment as an argument to the function.library(shiny)
renderInlineCode_2 <- function (docxIn, docxOut, eval_envir = parent.frame(), debug = F)
if (debug) {
doc <- officer::read_docx(docxIn)
smm <- officer::docx_summary(doc)
styles <- officer::styles_info(doc)
regx <- "^[ ]*`r[ ](.*)`$"
smm$expr <- ifelse(grepl(regx, smm$text), sub(regx, "\\1",
smm$text), NA)
smm$values <- sapply(smm$expr, FUN = function(x) {
eval(parse(text = x), envir = eval_envir)
smm <- smm[!is.na(smm$expr), , drop = F]
i <- 3
for (i in seq_len(nrow(smm))) {
stylei <- switch(ifelse(is.na(smm$style_name[i]), "a",
"b"), a = NULL, b = styles$style_name[styles$style_id ==
paste0(styles$style_id[styles$style_name == smm$style_name[i] &
styles$style_type == "paragraph"], "Char")])
doc <- officer::cursor_reach(doc, keyword = paste0("\\Q",
smm$text[i], "\\E")) %>% officer::body_remove() %>%
officer::cursor_backward() %>% officer::slip_in_text(smm$values[i],
pos = "after", style = stylei)
print(doc, target = docxOut)
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput('slt_input', 'name', choices = c("god", 'devil')),
actionButton("btn_inline", 'inline')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
declared_user <- reactive({
eval_user <- declared_user()
renderInlineCode_2("rprt_tmplt.docx", "rprt_out.docx")
shinyApp(ui, server)
In the template, use:
`r eval_user`
When thinking a bit more about it, I think in the original renderInlineCode
function the parent.frame()
of eval
is renderInlineCode
. Obviously, there the required objects are not included but in its parent.frame()
. So you have to relay on R's scoping which doesn't work correctly here with shiny. I'm happy to get some more thorough explanations.