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Additional case for a recursive data type

I'm currently learning Haskell and I want to define my own recursive data type for the currency Dollar (just bills, not coins).

My attempt looked like this:

data Dollar = One Dollar
             | Two Dollar
             | Five Dollar
             | Ten Dollar
             | Twenty Dollar
             | Fifty Dollar
             | Hundred Dollar

I showed this to a friend of mine and he said it looks fine BUT he also told me to put an | End at the end of the definition. He tried to explain why it is necessary but I couldn't follow his train of thought. Maybe someone in here has an explanation that I can follow. I would really appreciate it.


  • This doesn't need recursion

    The problem of describing bills doesn't require a recursive type. Let's start with a list then talk about your "dollar".


    Your bills are basically special list with more constructors and no termination. For example, a normal list is like this:

    data List a = SomeElement a List | End

    This means we can construct a linked list such as:

    myList = SomeElement 1 (SomeElement 2 ( End ) )

    But if we don't have End we have no way to stop the list. It must be SomeElement on and on forever.

    otherList = SomeElement 1 (SomeElement 2 ( ... oh no, I have to keep going! ...))

    Back to "dollar"

    So you have this special list of dollars. Instead of using SomeElement 1 for one dollar and SomeElement 5 for a five dollar bill you have One and Five. This allows you to construct a "stack" of bills:

    myMoney = One (Two (Five ( One ...

    But you can't stop, unless you make the list cycle such as having ... be myMoney and thus get an infinite list of One Two Five One One Two Five One One ....

    Questioning The Design

    You might just want something simple:

    data Dollar = One | Two | Five

    And then you can make a list of dollars (type [Dollar]) with normal lists such as [One, Two, Five, One]. By claiming the One bill also contains another dollar (which is what Dollar = One Dollar means) you create not a single bill but a list of them, which doesn't seem useful.