I'm trying to use type Number and type Array in my typedefs for a Product type in GraphQL. But GraphQL gives me some errors in the console. It's my first time using GraphQL though.
Unknown type "Array".
Unknown type "Number".
Here's the typedef I'm trying to create.
type Product {
sku: String
productName: String
isNewProduct: Boolean
isPromo: Boolean
promoType: String
promoPrice: Number
promoStart: String
promoEnd: String
stockingPrice: Number
finalPrice: Number
isActiveProduct: Boolean
availableQuantity: Number
quantityUnit: String
category: String
saleType: String
manufactureCompany: String
year: String
color: String
tags: Array
variantID: String
description: String
I checked around and saw that there are type ID and type Float in the case for numbers.
But, I'm writing JavaScript. There's a possibility that the promoPrice property will be getting either a float or an int and I don't want an error thrown if that's the case. That's why I want to use type Number.
Also, what do I do in the case for arrays containing both strings and numbers?
The GraphQL schema language supports the scalar types of String, Int, Float, Boolean, and ID.
Use Int if you want to use Number. If your tags are Array of Strings then You could actually define like tags: [String]