In my index.js I have defined the pie chart:
import pieChart1 from './chart/pie-chart-1';
It is then added here under the render() function:
<Col md={6}>
<Card.Title as="h5">BALANCE</Card.Title>
<Chart {...pieChart1} />
I have a pie chart defined in ./chart/pie-chart-1.js as such:
export default {
height: 320,
type: 'pie',
options: {
labels: ['Call', 'Put'],
colors: ['#4680ff', '#0e9e4a'],
legend: {
show: true,
position: 'bottom',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
dropShadow: {
enabled: false,
responsive: [{
breakpoint: 480,
options: {
chart: {
width: 200
legend: {
position: 'bottom'
series: [50, 50]
I have a function that calls an API, does some math and saves the values to state.
this.setState({CallPrem : callPrem, PutPrem : putPrem})
At this point, I want to update the pie chart with these the heck do I do that? Basically want series[0] to have callPrem value and series[1] to have putPrem.
Please excuse me for my noob-like lingo with this, first time working with reactjs and I like it BUT I am slowly piecing together how all this works. Thanks
You have multiple options to update the chart.
The first and a recommended way is to update the props which you pass to your component
const newOptions = {
options: {
labels: [newLabels]
series: [newSeries]
Updating props will automatically re-render the chart.
Another way is to use the core ApexCharts.exec()
function. For this to work, you will need to set a chart-id first in your pie-chart-1.js file.
export default {
height: 320,
type: 'pie',
options: {
chart: {
id: "chart-id"
Once you set the chart id, you will be able to call below method
ApexCharts.exec('chart-id', 'updateOptions', {
series: newSeries,
labels: newLabels