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Is setattr calling property setter func?

I try to fit good oop behaviour in my code and was wondering the following:

I generally have this kind of a class design:

class MyClass():
    def __init__(self,arg1):
        self.arg1 = arg1

    def arg1(self):
        return _arg1

    def arg1(self, value):
        self._arg1 = value

If I now write a function which has a dict and uses this dict for setting class attributes:

    def set_my_dict(self):
        argdict = {'arg1':4}
        for k, v in argdict:
            setattr(self, k, v)

Does this setattr call, in this situation, the setter for possible type checks etc?


  • I was interested as well, so i opened up ipython and added pdb to the setter method to test.

    In [5]: class MyClass():
       ...:     def __init__(self,arg1):
       ...:         self.arg1 = arg1
       ...:     @property
       ...:     def arg1(self):
       ...:         return _arg1
       ...:     @arg1.setter
       ...:     def arg1(self, value):
       ...:         import pdb;
       ...:         pdb.set_trace();
       ...:         self._arg1 = value
    In [6]: xr = MyClass(2)
    > <ipython-input-5-21bab018f5a2>(13)arg1()
    -> self._arg1 = value
    (Pdb) c
    In [7]: setattr(xr, "arg1", 3)
    > <ipython-input-5-21bab018f5a2>(13)arg1()
    -> self._arg1 = value
    (Pdb) c

    The setter function is used at both at instantiation and when using the setattr. neat.