I'm receiving HL7 messages via TCP connection. Those messages will always be of type ADT. I'm using Kestrel to listen for thise messages and the NHAPI package to deal with them. I took David Fowler's Kestrel sample code to setup a TCP listener. So based on this sample code
internal class HL7Listener : ConnectionHandler
public override async Task OnConnectedAsync(ConnectionContext connection)
// handle the incoming message
catch (Exception exception)
// handle exceptions
ACK acknowledgement = new ACK(); // create an ACK message
PipeParser pipeParser = new PipeParser();
string ackMessage = pipeParser.Encode(acknowledgement); // produces => MSH|^~\&|||||||ACK|||2.3
byte[] ackMessageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ackMessage);
await connection.Transport.Output.WriteAsync(ackMessageBytes); // send the ACK
I'm using the tool 7Edit to send HL7 messages to my application. The echo sample from the repository (link above) works fine. The echo sample code produces a log like this
But when using my code I get this error
So I think I don't convert the ACK message correctly. Any ideas how to fix this?
I doubt you are not implementing MLLP (also called LLP) protocol while sending ACK. I know, 7Edit expects MLLP to be implemented. This way, when you send an ACK to 7Edit (TCP/MLLP client), it looks for Start Block in your incoming data. It never finds it. It just discards your entire message considering garbage and keeps waiting; which causes timeout as you can see.
May be you should look for some setting in 7Edit to disable MLLP; but this will be temporary solution. Better, you implement MLLP block.
Description HEX ASCII Symbol
Message starting character 0B 11 <VT>
Message ending characters 1C,0D 28,13 <FS>,<CR>
With MLLP implemented, your message (the stuff you are writing on socket) should look something like below:
Note the <VT>
, <CR>
and <FS>
are place holders in above message.
You should modify your following line of code:
byte[] ackMessageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ackMessage);
as below:
ackMessage = ((char) 11).ToString() + ackMessage + ((char) 28).ToString() + ((char) 13).ToString();
byte[] ackMessageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ackMessage);
For more details, you may refer to this answer.