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Memory Leak when using Fire Base Storage Download

I have a program that has two tabs, each run with its own view controller. The second tab is a basic screen that displays a button, while the first tab is a UICollectionView that displays a few UICollectionViewCells that have an image and a label.

I seem to have a very large memory leak when switching from the UICollectionView tab to the other tab. I've determined that both viewcontrollers are properly hitting deinit, and my UICollectionViewCells are also deinitilizing, so I think the issue lies in how I am pulling in my data. It seems to be that the firebase call and the image it returns is never deallocated.

Can someone help figure out what I am doing wrong?

The UICollectionViewCell is defined as follows

class InteractionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
    @IBOutlet weak var Photo: UIImageView!
    var Id:String?
    @IBOutlet weak var personLabel: UILabel!
    func configure(_ person:Person) {
        self.Id =
        FirebaseInstance.GetPersonProfilePicture( { image in
            self.Photo.image = image

And GetPersonProfilePicture is:

class FirebaseInstance {
    static private let StorageInst:StorageReference =
    static var StorageRef:StorageReference = StorageInst
    static private let ImageMaxSize = Int64(1 * 1024 * 1024)

    static func GetPersonProfilePicture(_ userUID:String, completion: @escaping (UIImage) -> Void) {
        StorageRef.child("\(userUID)").getData(maxSize: ImageMaxSize) { data, error in
            if let error = error {
            } else {
                let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data!)

EDIT: If I remove the line where I save the profile picture, the memory leak goes away, which is more proof that the memory leak seems to be in how I download the images.

Thank you in advance!


  • Ah! I figured it out. It actually had nothing to do with how I was downloading the images at all.

    My issue was that I was retrieving the cells by calling .addSnapshotListener on a collection in the Cloud Firestore. However, I wasn't ever removing the listener, which meant that my UICollectionView was never getting deinitialized, which was causing the huge memory leak.

    By calling mySnapshotListener.remove() inside viewWillDisapper of the first controller, I was able to get rid of the memory leak.