I have this code base, I would like to change those button1,2,3,4 with a matrix of buttons and put it in my leftframe, it is that posible? I have tried many things but I can't please help
from tkinter import *
import tkinter .messagebox
root = Tk()
root.title("Tres en raya")
root.configure(background = "#FFFFD1")
Tops = Frame(root, bg = "white", pady = 2, width = 1350, height = 100, relief=RIDGE)
Tops.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
lblTitle = Label(Tops, font = ("Tohama", 50, "bold"), text = "*** TRES EN RAYA ***", bd=21, bg="#b28dff", fg="cornsilk", justify="center")
lblTitle.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
MainFrame = Frame(root, bg = "#C5A3FF", bd = 10, width = 1350, height = 600, relief = RIDGE) #ROSA
MainFrame.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
LeftFrame = Frame (MainFrame, bd=10, width = 560, height = 500, pady = 2, padx = 10, bg = "#85E3FF", relief= RIDGE)
LeftFrame.pack(side = LEFT)
RightFrame = Frame (MainFrame, bd=10, width = 560, height = 500, pady = 10, padx = 2, bg = "#85E3FF", relief= RIDGE)
RightFrame.pack(side = RIGHT)
RightFrame1 = Frame(RightFrame, bd=10, width = 560, height = 200, pady = 10, padx = 2, bg = "#85E3FF", relief= RIDGE)
RightFrame1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
RightFrame2 = Frame (RightFrame, bd=10, width = 560, height = 200, pady = 10, padx = 2, bg = "#85E3FF", relief= RIDGE)
RightFrame2.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
playerX = IntVar()
player0 = IntVar()
buttons = StringVar()
click = True
def checker(buttons):
global click
if buttons["text"] == "" and click == False:
buttons["text"] = "O"
click = True
elif buttons["text"] == "" and click == True:
buttons["text"] = "X"
click = False
def scorekeeper():
global tie
global button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8, button9
lblscore = Label(RightFrame1, font = ("tahoma", 30, "bold"),text = "*** TABLA DE PUNTUACIONES", padx = 2, pady = 2)
lblscore.grid(row = 0, column =1)
lblplayerX = Label(RightFrame2, font = ("tahoma", 25, "bold"), bd = 2, fg="black", textvariable=playerX, width = 14)
lblplayer0 = Label(RightFrame2, font = ("tahoma", 25, "bold"), bd = 2, fg="black", textvariable=player0, width = 14)
lblnombrex = Label(RightFrame2, font = ("tahoma", 25, "bold"),text = "Jugador Uno", bd = 2, fg="black", width = 14)
lblnombre0 = Label(RightFrame2, font = ("tahoma", 25, "bold"),text = "Jugador Dos", bd = 2, fg="black", width = 14)
lblplayerX.grid(row = 3, column = 2, padx = 6, pady = 5)
lblnombrex.grid(row = 3, column = 1, padx = 6, pady = 5)
lblplayer0.grid(row = 4, column = 2, padx = 6, pady = 5)
lblnombre0.grid(row = 4, column = 1, padx = 6, pady = 5)
button1 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button1))
button1.grid(row = 1, column =1)
button2 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button2))
button2.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
button3 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button3))
button3.grid(row = 1, column =3)
button4 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button4))
button4.grid(row = 2, column =1)
button5 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button5))
button5.grid(row = 2, column =2)
button6 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button6))
button6.grid(row = 2, column =3)
button7 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button7))
button7.grid(row = 3, column =1)
button8 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button8))
button8.grid(row = 3, column =2)
button9 = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 30, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(button9))
button9.grid(row = 3, column =3)
this is how looks the main root [image][1] I am new in python I saw a tutorial to make this frame, I want to use a matrix instead of single buttons buttons because I need to implement min max algorithm.
I have tried
botones = [[],[],[]]
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
botones[i][j] = Button(LeftFrame, text = "", font=("tahoma", 25, "bold"), height = 3, width = 8, bg="gainsboro",command=lambda:checker(botones[i][j])).grid(row = i+1, column = j+1)
but When I use those buttons my command function doesnt work [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ToOF4.png
Potential problem is that you have created and used grid
on the same line. Try this minimal example to see if you can adapt it to your needs.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
LeftFrame = tk.Frame(root)
def checker(i,j):
print(f"You pressed button {i},{j}")
#Create a 2-d list containing 3 rows, 3 columns (using list comprehension)
botones = [[None for i in range(3)] for j in range(3) ]
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
current_button = tk.Button(LeftFrame,
text = f"{i},{j}",
font=("tahoma", 25, "bold"),
height = 3,
width = 8,
command=lambda i=i,j=j:checker(i,j)) #lambda is passed parameters i and j
#Grid occurs on a new line
current_button.grid(row = i+1, column = j+1)
botones[i][j] = current_button