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Swagger UI page is found for Spring Boot 2

Using Spring Boot 2.3.1.

Here is a snippet from pom:



Where swagger version is last for now: 3.0.0.

Swagger configuration:

public class SwaggerConfiguration {
    public Docket swaggerApiDocket() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

    private ApiInfo apiDetails() {
        return new ApiInfo("Carpark Controller API",
                "Carpark Service for managing car parks",
                new springfox.documentation.service.Contact("Jan",
                "API License",

No Security configuration is added. No any server-path or some additional configuration.

When the application is up swagger JSON documentation is available:


However, if to navigate to swagger UI:


The result will be:

There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).

Tried to downgrade swagger version to 2.9.2 result is the same.

How to solve this issue?


  • Found solution for Spring Boot 2:

    1. Get read from all other swagger dependencies from pom file. Only add next one:


    Swagger configuration could be the same as it was before with @EnableSwagger2.

    1. Start the application.

    2. Swagger UI page is different now:


    Finally, it works!

    Looking for a solution at the web for this issue found the following comment.

    Saw the latest samples for Spring Boot version: BootWebmvcApplication

    And build.gradle configuration for it.

    Here is a link to other projects sources.