When creating a bson document with a custom id like in the following example, the _id is not 123, it will be auto generated
var balls = dbContext.Database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Balls");
var ballDoc = new BsonDocument
{"_id", BsonObjectId.Parse("123")},
{"Name", ".."},
await balls.InsertOneAsync(ballDoc).ConfigureAwait(false);
When doing that:
var balls = dbContext.Database.GetCollection<Balls>("Balls");
var ball = new Ball
Id = ...
await balls.InsertOneAsync(ball).ConfigureAwait(false);
The id is 123. Why? And how can I set an _id when using bson docs?
123 is working fine the problem comes ONLY when setting the _id of the bson object to 000000000000000000000000. Everything else like 000000000000000000000001 works.
But setting the _id of a typed object to 000000000000000000000000 works....
I need to live with it.