Version: 1.49.0 (system setup) Commit: e790b931385d72cf5669fcefc51cdf65990efa5d Date: 2020-09-10T13:22:08.892Z Electron: 9.2.1 Chrome: 83.0.4103.122 Node.js: 12.14.1 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17763
There is a Chrome version in Visual studio code (Help -> About).what does it mean ? Is there a embedded chrome in VScode or V8 needs chrome to run?
Visual Studio Code is one of many applications built on the Chromium platform, via the "Electron" framework. See e.g.
Another IDE built on Electron/Chromium is GitHub's Atom.
For more information, see; and for a similar project: