I am seeing that PyYaml, truncates zero's while loading from yaml file, if one uses:
It can be fixed, if one uses yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)
, but is that advisable?
It works with yaml.load
and zeros are not truncated.
I want to understand that would it be safe to switch to yaml.load
instead of yaml.safe_load
Test yaml content:
$cat test.yml
number: 5.10
$python -c 'import yaml, sys; content = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin);
print(content) ' < test.yml
{'number': 5.1}
<< It truncates the 0 at the end. But that is due to floating point value >>
whereas what I want is the exact number as is.
$python -c 'import yaml, sys; content = yaml.load(sys.stdin,
Loader=yaml.BaseLoader); print(content) ' < test.yml
{u'number': u'5.10'}
Is that the correct approach to change it to yaml.load ?
just does yaml.load(sys.stdin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
The facilities to execute arbitrary Python code (which makes loading unsafe) are implemented in yaml.Loader
which is used by default. yaml.BaseLoader
does not contain them. Therefore, if you use yaml.BaseLoader
, loading will not execute arbitrary Python code (that is, unless you yourself register custom constructors with yaml.BaseLoader