I have a request similar to
Response is
"Name": "123",
"AllowedABC": {
"XYZ": "111abc",
"ZXC": "333def",
"QWE": "222abc",
I want to test whether the allowed ABC is same that of the requested ABC. Meaning that i want to assert that all key value pairs in the response is same as that in the requested one irrespective of the case or the order in which they are listed in the response. The provided example would be a pass scenario. I tried
var body = JSON.parse(request.data);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.test("Granted ABC is same as requested ABCTest", () => {
But im getting an error
AssertionError: expected{Object(XYZ,ZXC...)} to to deeply equal {Object (XYZ,Qwe,...)}
This will work - not sure how to.eql
works with objects, but this results in testing strings instead
const responseData = {
"Name": "123",
"AllowedABC": {
"XYZ": "111abc",
"ZXC": "333def",
"QWE": "222abc",
const requestData = {
const sorter = ([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b);
const transformer = obj => Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [k.toUpperCase(), v.toUpperCase()]).sort(sorter).join();
const requestABC = transformer(requestData.RequestedABC);
const responseABC = transformer(responseData.AllowedABC);
console.log(requestABC === responseABC);
In your code you would do
var body = JSON.parse(request.data);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
const sorter = ([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b);
const transformer = obj => Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [k.toUpperCase(), v.toUpperCase()]).sort(sorter).join();
const requestABC = transformer(body.RequestedABC);
const responseABC = transformer(jsonData.AllowedABC);
pm.test("Granted ABC is same as requested ABCTest", () => {
pm.expect(responseABC ).to.eql(requestABC);
Hope that makes sense now