To execute the function periodically, the following command is used.
self.core.schedule(periodic(t), periodic_function)
I would like to disable the above function when certain conditions are met. Anyone knows how?
I would do what the code here does:
Basically what is going on is in the agent's onstart/onconfig method a function that is to be executed is called in a spawn later greenlet
class MyAgent(Agent):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._periodic_event = None
self.enabled = True
def onstart(self, sender, **kwargs):
self.core.spawn_later(1, self._my_periodic_event)
def _my_periodic_event(self):
if self._periodic_event is not None:
# do stuff here within this event loop
if self.enabled:
# note this is an internal volttron function see the referenced link for
# import
now = get_aware_utc_now()
next_update_time = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=20)
self._periodic_event = self.core.schedule(next_update_time, self._my_periodic_event)
The good thing about this is it allows you to have complete control over the scheduling process. The enable, disable, when to start etc. You can change the number of seconds if you need to with member variables.
Again sorry for the late response on this, but hopefully this helps!