I searched a lot on different web portals on this, but still I didn't get any success. How we can create ng-select in reactive forms.I want to create following html tag with in reactive form. Following code snippet is taken from formGroup.
<ng-select #ngSelect formControlName="searchCreteria"
<ng-template ng-option-tmp let-item="item" let-item$="item$" let-index="index">
<input id="item-{{index}}" type="checkbox"/> {{item.name | uppercase}}
I have one search filter, where on the basis on value selected in dropdown this ng-select will bind with items. So on different dropdown values ng-select will have different items. For example, If user selecting Country in dropdown then ng-select formControl will be appear with all countries binding. In same way if will vary as per dropdown selection.
Please let me know if you need more detail, I will try to provide.
I am using the following code snippet to solve this issue:
<p>Select multiple elements using paste</p>
<div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-4">
<!-- <select style="width:200px;" [ngModel]="selectedSearchFilter" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" name="sel3">
<option [ngValue]="i" *ngFor="let i of searchFilters">{{i.name}}</option>
</select> -->
<ng-select style="width:300px;" [items]="searchFilters"
<form class="form-horizontal" [formGroup]="personalForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<div style="background-color: gainsboro">
<div formArrayName="other" *ngFor="let other of personalForm.get('other').controls; let i = index"
<div [formGroup]="other">
<div class="form-group" class="row cols-md-12">
<span for="filterName">{{other.controls.filterName.value}}</span>
<ng-select #ngSelect formControlName="searchCreteria"
[closeOnSelect]="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedSearchCreteria[i]">
<!-- <ng-template ng-option-tmp let-item="item" let-item$="item$" let-index="index">
<input [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" [ngModel]="item$.selected" id="item-{{index}}" type="checkbox"/> {{item.name | uppercase}}
</ng-template> -->
<ng-template ng-option-tmp let-item="item" let-index="index">
<input [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" [ngModel]="item.selected" id="item-{{index}}" type="checkbox"/> {{item.name | uppercase}}
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button"
(click)="onClearDataClick()">Clear Data</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button"
(click)="onShowSelectedItemsClick()">Show Selected items</button>
{{finalValues | json}}
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChildren, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import { DataService, Person } from "../data.service";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
import {
} from "@angular/forms";
selector: "multi-checkbox-example",
templateUrl: "./multi-checkbox-example.component.html"
export class MultiCheckboxExampleComponent implements OnInit {
selectedSearchCreteria = [];
ngSelectCount = [];
personalForm: FormGroup;
searchFilters = [
{ name: "--Please Select Item--", id: -1 },
{ name: "Country", id: 1 },
{ name: "States", id: 2 },
{ name: "Cities", id: 3 }
selectedSearchFilter = this.searchFilters[0].id;
private dataService: DataService,
private formBuilder: FormBuilder
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.personalForm = this.formBuilder.group({
filter: new FormControl(null),
other: this.formBuilder.array([])
addOtherSkillFormGroup(filterName: string): FormGroup {
let data = this.getDropData(filterName);
let groupData = {
searchCreteria: [""],
data: [data]
return this.formBuilder.group(groupData);
onPaste(event: ClipboardEvent, controlData: any, i: any) {
let clipboardData = event.clipboardData;
let pastedData = clipboardData.getData("text");
// split using new line
var queries = pastedData.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
// iterate over each part and add to the selectedItems
queries.forEach(q => {
var cnt = controlData.value.data.find(
i => i.name.toLowerCase() === q.trim().toLowerCase()
if (cnt != undefined) {
this.selectedSearchCreteria[i] = [...this.selectedSearchCreteria[i], cnt.id];
let nodes: NodeListOf<HTMLElement> = document.querySelectorAll(
".ng-input input"
) as NodeListOf<HTMLElement>;
for (let i = 0; nodes[i]; i++) {
(nodes[i] as HTMLElement).blur();
onClearDataClick() {
this.ngSelectCount.length = 0;
this.selectedSearchFilter = this.searchFilters[0].id;
this.selectedSearchCreteria.length = 0;
onChange(e) {
if (e.id != -1) {
var cnt = this.ngSelectCount.find(i => i === e.id);
if (cnt == undefined) {
this.selectedSearchFilter = e.id;
} else {
this.ngSelectCount.length = 0;
this.selectedSearchFilter = this.searchFilters[0].id;
this.selectedSearchCreteria.length = 0;
removeCompletePanel(e) {
this.ngSelectCount.splice(e, 1);
this.selectedSearchFilter = this.searchFilters[0].id;
this.selectedSearchCreteria.splice(e, 1);
onShowSelectedItemsClick() {
let output:any = "";
(<FormArray>this.personalForm.get("other")).controls.forEach(function(formControl) {
formControl.value["searchCreteria"].forEach(q => {
var cnt = formControl.value.data.find(i => i.id === q);
output = output + formControl.value["filterName"]+'--'+cnt.name+','
getDropData(filterType: string) {
if (filterType == "Country") {
return [
{ id: 1, name: "India" },
{ id: 2, name: "Switzerland" },
{ id: 3, name: "Norway" },
{ id: 4, name: "Macao" },
{ id: 5, name: "Qatar" },
{ id: 6, name: "Ireland" },
{ id: 7, name: "United States" },
{ id: 15, name: "United Kingdom" },
{ id: 21, name: "United Arab Emirates" }
} else if (filterType == "States") {
return [
{ id: 1, name: "State 1" },
{ id: 2, name: "State 2" },
{ id: 3, name: "State 3" },
{ id: 4, name: "State 4" },
{ id: 5, name: "State 5" },
{ id: 6, name: "State 6" },
{ id: 7, name: "State 7" },
{ id: 15, name: "State 8" },
{ id: 21, name: "State 9" }
} else {
return [
{ id: 1, name: "City 1" },
{ id: 2, name: "City 2" },
{ id: 3, name: "City 3" },
{ id: 4, name: "City 4" },
{ id: 5, name: "City 5" },
{ id: 6, name: "City 6" },
{ id: 7, name: "City 7" },
{ id: 15, name: "City 8" },
{ id: 21, name: "City 9" }