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Minimal set of scopes to push to github using an access token

I have a public github repo (I created a few years ago). I have two factor authentication enabled. I want to create a github API token to be able to push some changes to my repo.

What is the minimal set of scopes that I must select in the github "New personal access token" page to be able to push changes to this repo?

I want to avoid to give any rights that are unnecessary to the token.


  • According to the GitHub documentation, the scope for public repositories is public_repo, and for private repositories is repo.

    A token with one of those scopes is the most limited access possible for Git push or pull access; however, that token can access all public (respectively, private) repositories and can also be used for certain API access as well. If that's of concern to you, you can use an SSH key for your personal account, or to restrict it even further, a read-write deploy key for the repo in question.