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How to extract and count values from a nested JSON?

I'm trying to loop through a list of jsons and extract some information from a dictionary of dictionaries that each json returns. About 99% of the time, the third layer of each json dictionary contains 5 'name' values, 2 of which are xml file names. However, the files do not appear in the same order every time and a select few times, there is only one xml file.

I built in a loop to count the number of xml files using a search string before the code proceeds to a second loop. This ensures the xml_dict I'm creating in each loop has the correct amount of values (2).

The "pre-counter" works, but really slows down the execution. Is there anyway to better incorporate the xml counter to speed up performance? Also, I don't know if I need the 'else: continue's.

Example json link:

json_list = [all_forms['Link'][x] for x in all_forms.index if all_forms['Form Type'][x] == '13F-HR']
link_list = []
lcounter = 0
for json in json_list:
    decode = requests.get(json).json()
    xml_dict = {}
    xml_count = 0
    for dic in decode['directory']['item'][0:]:
        for v in dic.values(): 
            if ".xml" in v.lower():
                xml_count += 1
    for dic in decode['directory']['item'][0:]:
        if "primary_doc.xml" in dic['name'] and xml_count > 1:
            xml_dict['doc_xml'] = json.replace('index.json', '') + dic['name']
        elif ".xml" in dic['name'].lower() and "primary_doc" not in dic['name']:
            xml_dict['hold_xml'] = json.replace('index.json', '') + dic['name']
    if xml_dict:
    lcounter += 1
    if lcounter % 100 == 0:
        print("Processed {} forms".format(lcounter))


    • I think it will be easier and faster to use pandas with vectorized functions
      • This is 5 lines of code to get all the counts and it's fast.
    • Once the xml file counts are available and the paths to all the .xml files, consider looking at How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe? to automate processing of those files.
    import pandas as pd
    # list to index.json for Archives
    paths = ['',
    # download and each json and join it into a single dataframe
    # reset the index, so each row has a unique index number
    df = pd.concat([pd.read_json(path, orient='index') for path in paths]).reset_index()
    # item is a list of dictionaries that can be exploded to separate columns
    dfe = df.explode('item').reset_index(drop=True)
    # each dictionary now has a separate row
    # normalize the dicts, so each key is a column name and each value is in the row
    # rename 'name' to 'item_name', this is the column containing file names like .xml
    # join this back to the main dataframe and drop the item row
    dfj = dfe.join(pd.json_normalize(dfe.item).rename(columns={'name': 'item_name'})).drop(columns=['item'])
    # find the rows with .xml in item_name
    # groupby name, which is the archive path with CIK and Accession Number
    # count the number of xml files
    dfg = dfj.item_name[dfj.item_name.str.contains('.xml', case=False)].groupby({'item_name': 'xml_count'})
    # display(dfg)
                                                  name  xml_count
    0  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260/000173626020000004          2
    1    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061          6
    • print a dataframe with all the xml file names with the corresponding index in the dataframe
    print(dfj[['name', 'item_name']][dfj.item_name.str.contains('.xml')].reset_index())
       index                                             name                item_name
    0     43  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260/000173626020000004  cpia2ndqtr202013fhr.xml
    1     44  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260/000173626020000004          primary_doc.xml
    2     66    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061        FilingSummary.xml
    3     74    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061         ibm-20161231.xml
    4     76    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061     ibm-20161231_cal.xml
    5     77    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061     ibm-20161231_def.xml
    6     78    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061     ibm-20161231_lab.xml
    7     79    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061     ibm-20161231_pre.xml
    • create a dataframe with just the xml files and add a column with a full path to those files
    xml_files = dfj[dfj.item_name.str.contains('.xml', case=False)].copy()
    # add a column that creates a full path to the xml files
    xml_files['file_path'] = xml_files[['name', 'item_name']].apply(lambda x: f'{x[0]}/{x[1]}', axis=1)
    # disply(xml_files)
            index                                             name                    parent-dir        last-modified                item_name      type      size                                                                                   file_path
    43  directory  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260/000173626020000004  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260  2020-07-24 09:38:30  cpia2ndqtr202013fhr.xml  text.gif     72804
    44  directory  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260/000173626020000004  /Archives/edgar/data/1736260  2020-07-24 09:38:30          primary_doc.xml  text.gif      1931
    66  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36        FilingSummary.xml  text.gif     91940
    74  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36         ibm-20161231.xml  text.gif  11684003 
    76  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36     ibm-20161231_cal.xml  text.gif    185502
    77  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36     ibm-20161231_def.xml  text.gif    801568
    78  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36     ibm-20161231_lab.xml  text.gif   1356108
    79  directory    /Archives/edgar/data/51143/000104746917001061    /Archives/edgar/data/51143  2017-02-28 16:23:36     ibm-20161231_pre.xml  text.gif   1314064
    # create a list of just the file paths
    path_to_xml_files = xml_files.file_path.tolist()