The following is my learning code, when I executing the code, an exception happened:
Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.learning.UserRepository$ByteBuddy$etz0xUhc.$$_pharos_set_interceptor(Lorg/learning/Interceptor;)V**
ByteBuddy version: 1.10.14
final TypeCache.SimpleKey cacheKey = getCacheKey(learningClazz, interceptor.getClass());
Class proxyClass = load(learningClazz, proxyCache, cacheKey, byteBuddy ->
.defineField(ProxyConfiguration.INTERCEPTOR_FIELD_NAME, Interceptor.class, Visibility.PRIVATE)
.withAssigner(Assigner.DEFAULT, Assigner.Typing.DYNAMIC)));
final ProxyConfiguration proxy = (ProxyConfiguration) proxyClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
return (T) proxy;
public interface ProxyConfiguration {
String INTERCEPTOR_FIELD_NAME = "$$_pharos_interceptor";
void $$_pharos_set_interceptor(Interceptor interceptor);
class InterceptorDispatcher {
public static Object intercept(
@This final Object instance,
@Origin final Method method,
@AllArguments final Object[] arguments,
@StubValue final Object stubValue,
@FieldValue(INTERCEPTOR_FIELD_NAME) Interceptor interceptor,
@SuperMethod Method superMethod
) throws Throwable
if (interceptor == null) {
return stubValue;
else {
return interceptor.intercept(instance, method, arguments, superMethod);
Package-private methods are overriden but the JVM will not dispatch them dynamically if the subclass is loaded on a different class loader. If you declare the method public, the problem should be solved. Alternatively, inject the class into the target class loader.