I am using ffmpeg to set the audio and video speed to 0.3x. I can set the video speed but can't set the audio speed to 0.3x. Here is the command
ffmpeg -y -i video.mp4 -vf "setpts=PTS/0.3" -r 50 -c:v mpeg4 -b:v 1500k -af "atempo=0.3" output.mp4
It says:
Value 0.300000 for parameter 'tempo' out of range [0.5 - 100]
Is there a workaround? Any help will be appreciated. Regards.
Use atempo + atempo:
ffmpeg -y -i video.mp4 -vf "setpts=PTS/0.3" -r 50 -c:v mpeg4 -b:v 1500k -af "atempo=0.6,atempo=0.5" output.mp4
Or use the rubberband filter for a better sounding output.
Or use the standalone rubberband
rubberband -t 3 input.wav output.wav