Hello All and thank you in advance for your help :)
Can someone help me understand how I can take the below code, which displays data for a specified playlist, and have it only show the artist and track names? I have been toying around with the API documentation for several hours and I have not been able to make heads or tales of it. Right now when it displays data it gives me a whole bunch of data in a jumbled mess. Also, note that I put dummy values in the client_id and Secret parts of this code.
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
import spotipy
import json
PlaylistExample = '37i9dQZEVXbMDoHDwVN2tF'
cid = '123'
secret = 'xyz'
auth_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=cid, client_secret=secret)
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
playlist_id = 'spotify:user:spotifycharts:playlist:37i9dQZEVXbJiZcmkrIHGU'
results = sp.playlist(playlist_id)
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
Would something like this be useful?:
print("Song - Artist - Album\n")
for item in results['tracks']['items']:
item['track']['name'] + ' - ' +
item['track']['artists'][0]['name'] + ' - ' +
Your output will look similar to this:
Song - Artist - Album
Bad - 2012 Remaster - Michael Jackson - Bad 25th Anniversary
Orion - Rodrigo y Gabriela - Rodrigo y Gabriela
Shape of You - Ed Sheeran - ÷ (Deluxe)
Alternatively, you could create your own structure based on the returned one by Spotify but just keeping what you need:
result_dict = {
'tracks': {
'items': [],
'limit': 100,
'next': None,
'offset': 0,
'previous': None,
'total': 16
'type': 'playlist',
'uri': '<playlist_uri>'
And your track structure that goes inside 'items'
from above:
track_dict = {
'track': {
'album': {
'name': item['track']['album']['name'],
'artists': [{
'name': item['track']['artists'][0]['name'],
'name': item['track']['name'],
Then iterate and insert one by one:
for item in results['tracks']['items']:
track_dict = {
'track': {
'album': {
'name': item['track']['album']['name'],
'artists': [{
'name': item['track']['artists'][0]['name'],
'name': item['track']['name'],
# Append the track dict structure to your results dict structure
Having this as a result when printing result_dict
'tracks': {
'items': [{
'track': {
'album': {
'name': 'ONLY'
'artists': [{
'name': 'ZHU'
'name': 'ONLY'
}, {
'track': {
'album': {
'name': 'Bad 25th Anniversary'
'artists': [{
'name': 'Michael Jackson'
'name': 'Bad - 2012 Remaster'
}, {
'track': {
'album': {
'name': 'Rodrigo y Gabriela'
'artists': [{
'name': 'Rodrigo y Gabriela'
'name': 'Orion'
}, {
'track': {
'album': {
'name': '÷ (Deluxe)'
'artists': [{
'name': 'Ed Sheeran'
'name': 'Shape of You'
'limit': 100,
'next': None,
'offset': 0,
'previous': None,
'total': 4
'type': 'playlist',
'uri': '<playlist_uri>'