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Getting "INVALID DATE" if device or emulator not in "debug remotely" mode

I'm building chat fonctionality in an app and i'm using FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat. When i debug on chrome the messages dates are good. if i'm not debugging remotely all dates of messages become "INVALID DATE". I have same result on real device and emulator

I format date i get from the API to the format the library is in using this function:

formatOneMessage(message) {
  const receiver = this.props.navigation.getParam("receiver");
  const receiverName = receiver.Name;
  const receiverLastName = receiver.lastName;
  const formatedDate = Util.formatDate(message.creation_date)
  const FormatedMessage = {
    text: message.content,
    createdAt: new Date(formatedDate),
    user: {
      _id: message.sender_id,
      name: receiverName + " " + receiverLastName,
      avatar: ""
  return FormatedMessage;
  let dateAndTimeArray = date.split(" ");
  let dateArray = dateAndTimeArray[0].split("-");
  let newDate = dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[0] + "-" + dateArray[2];
  let newDateAndTime = newDate + " " + dateAndTimeArray[1]
  return newDateAndTime;



  • Here is how i used moment.js to resolve this issue:

     formatOneMessage(message) {
        const receiverName = this.props.navigation.getParam("receiverName");
        const modifiedDate = Util.formatDate(message.creation_date);
        const formatedDate = moment(modifiedDate, "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss");
        const FormatedMessage = {
          text: message.content,
          createdAt: formatedDate,
          user: {
            _id: message.sender_id,
            name: receiverName,
            avatar: ""
        return FormatedMessage;

    if you are curious what Util.formatDate is doing:

    formatDate(date) {
        let dateAndTimeArray = date.split(" ");
        let dateArray = dateAndTimeArray[0].split("-");
        let newDate = dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[0] + "-" + dateArray[2];
        let newDateAndTime = newDate + " " + dateAndTimeArray[1];
        return newDateAndTime;