The problem I am having is that Core Data is not saving correctly after communicating to Firestore database. I want to have every post's user image and name store in a cache for performance. Currently, I have two data model named Users
and PostItem
. Users
is the one handling the user data that I want to save. I successfully was able to implement PostItem
, but not Users
I think it has something to deal with Firestore, but not entirely sure. The code:
private var userName = String()
private var imageLink = String()
private var db = Firestore.firestore().collection("users")
func fetchUser(_ id: String) -> String {
db.document(id).getDocument { (snap, err) in
if let snap = snap, snap.exists {
self.userName =!["userName"] as! String
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
print("DB: \(self.userName)")
return self.userName
func fetchUserImage(_ id: String) -> String {
db.document(id).getDocument { (snap, err) in
if let snap = snap, snap.exists {
self.imageLink =!["image"] as? String ?? ""
print("Document does not exist")
print("DB: \(self.imageLink)")
return self.imageLink
func setUpPosts(managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) {
if !self.newposts.isEmpty{
for i in self.newposts{
let user = Users(context: managedObjectContext)
print("Fetched Name: \(self.fetchUser(i.user))") = self.userName
print("Fetched Image: \(self.fetchUserImage(i.user))")
user.image = self.fetchUserImage(i.user)
user.uuid = i.user
let post = PostItem(context: managedObjectContext)
post.type = i.type
post.user = i.user
post.image = i.thumb =
post.text = i.text
post.comment = i.comments =
is called from within the initializer of the class handling all post data for the views.
Most Firebase calls are asynchronous. In your code, db.document(id).getDocument
is an asynchronous call, hence self.userName
and self.imageLink
will be empty/nil
when you return from fetchUser
Firestore uses a local cache anyway (from the docs: "For Android and iOS, offline persistence is enabled by default."), so I wouldn't recommend implementing your own cache.
For caching images, I'd recommend taking a look at FirebaseUI for iOS - is provides an integration with SDWebImage, which will handle caching for you.