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Postgraphile order by result of calculation (with input)

Some context:

My table has two columns, longitude and latitude. I want to be able to create a query that can receive an input of a longitude, latitude and a number that represents the maximum number of kilometers distance.

The query will return the rows that are within that distance ordered by the resulting distance.

I have seen few options for custom conditions, but that might be pretty hacky... I thought maybe there is a way to do it and use the build in order by that PostGraphile generates, but the I'm if there is a way to pass variable to the order by.

The question:

What is the best to do it in PostGraphile?

Thanks in advance!


  • To do this, step 1 is to build your filter object with your x, y and radius:

    const { makePluginByCombiningPlugins, makeAddPgTableConditionPlugin } = require('graphile-utils');
    const PositionFilterObjectPlugin = builder => {
      builder.hook('build', build => {
        const nonNullFloat = new build.graphql.GraphQLNonNull(build.graphql.GraphQLFloat);
        const PositionFilter = new build.graphql.GraphQLInputObjectType({
          name: 'PositionFilter',
          fields: {
            x: {
              type: nonNullFloat,
            y: {
              type: nonNullFloat,
            radius: {
              type: nonNullFloat,
        return build;
       Due to a plugin ordering issue that cannot be addressed in V4, we can't
       just use makeExtendSchemaPlugin to add this type; we have to write it
       out by hand in the build hook.
       input PositionFilter {
         x: Float!
         y: Float!
         radius: Float!

    (build.graphql is an instance of the graphql module, the reference GraphQL implementation, you can read more about it here and here.)

    Step 2 is to add a condition that also does ordering:

    const PositionConditionPlugin = makeAddPgTableConditionPlugin(
      build => ({
        type: build.getTypeByName('PositionFilter'),
      (value, { queryBuilder, sql, sqlTableAlias }) => {
        if (value == null) {
        const { x, y, radius } = value;
        const valX = sql.value(x);
        const valY = sql.value(x);
        const valR = sql.value(radius);
        const distance = sql.fragment`(((${sqlTableAlias}.x - ${valX}) ^ 2 + (${sqlTableAlias}.y - ${valY}) ^ 2) ^ 0.5)`;
        // Order the result set by the proximity of the entity to the given point
          true, // Ascending
        // Filter to only entities within the given radius
        return sql.fragment`${distance} < ${valR}`;

    Finally you either load both these plugins or if you prefer you can make a single plugin that encompasses both:

    module.exports = makePluginByCombiningPlugins(PositionFilterObjectPlugin, PositionConditionPlugin);

    I've added an example with ordering to the docs:

    NOTE: before graphile-utils 4.9.1 is released you'll need to add this plugin via --prepend-plugins (or prependPlugins for library users) because otherwise there's a plugin ordering issue that means that orders added by makeAddPgTableConditionPlugin come after the default orders.