I have bought a domain from Google Domains, call it example.com.
I have subscribed to G Suite basic and created an admin@example.com account to use on GCP instead of my personal account.
Inside GCP I found an organization already created named "example.com".
As admin@example.com, I tried to go to the settings of the IAM & Admin section of Google Cloud Platform. There I can see the name of the organization and its ID.
However, when I try to change the name of the organization I get the following error message:
You do not have the permission to rename this resource. Required permission(s): All of resourcemanager.organizations.get and resourcemanager.organizations.update
I tried to read the documentation on permissions but I couldn't find how to do this. How can I give myself permission to change the name of the organization?
You can't do it from GCP's console but you can from G-Suite admin panel.
You can find here some more info how to change the name of the organization and go from there.