I'm mapping index rides_order_266 . elastic throwing exception resource_already_exists_exception. after reading the exception message. It looks like index rides_order_266 already exists but if this is the case then elastic search throw exception index_already_exists_exception. I am getting confused that I am right or wrong. can some explain the exception message?
Elasticsearch version: 6.4.2
[resource_already_exists_exception] index [rides_order_266/aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ] already exists, with { index_uuid=\"aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ\" & index=\"rides_order_266\" }","path":"/rides_order_266","query":{},"body":"{\"settings\":{\"index\":{\"mapping.total_fields.limit\":70000,\"number_of_shards\":1,\"number_of_replicas\":0,\"refresh_interval\":\"1s\"}}
is the new name of this error. It used to be index_already_exists_exception
and has been renamed in version 6.0 as you can see in PR #21494.
That change was made to prevent having one different exception for each different resource type (index, alias, etc).
So, what you get is perfectly OK, given the rides_order_266
index already exists.