I am adding noise to a signal using librosa but after adding noise I am unable to save the signal back as wav file.
My code is as follows:
import librosa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
file_path = r'path\to\file'
signal, sr = librosa.load(file_path, sr = 16000)
# plt.plot(signal)
STD_n= 0.001
noise=np.random.normal(0, STD_n, signal.shape[0])
# # X=np.fft.rfft(noise)
# # radius,angle=to_polar(X)
signal_noise = signal+noise
I want to convert signal_noise as a wav file. I tried different librosa functions but I am unable to find one. I tried using scipy.io.wavfile.write but I was getting an error probably because Librosa generates Normalized audio while Scipy doesn't.
You can do it using the soundfile
library. Add these lines to ur code:
import soundfile
Hope that this helps you!