I am running TYPO3 10.4.6 and I have a problem with a plugin I have written. I am using a frontend plugin to show details to one of my database entities. I used a TCA field of type 'slug' to store a custom slug in database and then defined the following in my config.yaml for my site:
type: PageType
default: '/'
index: ''
'/': 0
type: Extbase
limitToPages: [45]
extension: Myext
plugin: Hersteller
- { routePath: '/{hersteller}', _controller: 'Hersteller::show', _arguments: {'hersteller': 'hersteller'} }
defaultController: 'Hersteller::show'
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: 'tx_myext_domain_model_hersteller'
routeFieldName: 'slug'
routeValuePrefix: '/'
My URLs are generated as I want them: https://example.com/pluginpage/slug
The problem is that when I access this link, TYPO3 respons with a 404 Not Found error: Page Not Found The page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason: The requested page does not exist
Am I missing something? It seems like TYPO3 cannot map the slug to a database entity. This is the definition of the TCA slug field:
'slug' => [
'label' => 'Slug',
'config' => [
'type' => 'slug',
'generatorOptions' => [
'fields' => ['name'],
'fallbackCharacter' => '-',
'eval' => 'unique'
What am I doing wrong? Is there maybe a way to debug this? I have no idea where to look at to dive deeper.
Thanks in advance!
As already mentioned by Thomas, you should remove routeValuePrefix: '/'
which should solve the issue.