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Laravel/Lumen bind interface on middleware based on user input

I'm quite new to this so pls bare with me. :)

I have 2 implementations of an interface, let's just name them BankService1 and BankService2 and both of them adheres to DisbursementInterface.

Typically if I only need one implementation, i would just bind the interface and the implementation in bootstrap/app.php and inject the interface to the constructor of the controller. However, I want to dynamically bind the implementation based on user input kind of like this:

//if remittance is true, use bank 1 else bank 2
$disbursementService = ($request['remittance'] ? 'BankService1' : 'BankService2');

$this->app->bind('My\Namespace\DisbursementInterface', "My\Namespace\\{$disbursementService}");

I think the middleware is the best place to do like this since i need the $request object. However i'm having a hard time binding the implementations because like what i said, i'm still quite new at this.

Any suggestions?


  • I figured it out. All I actually need is to create a Service Container! I don't actually need it to be in the middleware at all.

    class DisbursementServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        public function register()
            $this->app->singleton(DisbursementInterface::class, function($app) {
                if ($this->app->request->remittance) {
                    return new BankService1();
                return new BankService2();

    after that, I registered my service container in bootstrap/app.php and now it works! I can now switch between implementations based on user input :)