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Microsoft Graph API - How can I use 'skiptoken'

It is bringing messages and replies to certain team's channel ID.

use this,{teamId}/channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/replies?$top=50

If we get more than 50 results, it returns @odata.nextLink contains 'skiptoken'

like this..{teamId}/channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/replies?$top=50&$skiptoken=ABCDEFG1234

But What I want to do is to use 'skiptoken' in c# code.

I tried,

 var replies = await graphClient.Teams[teamId].Channels[channel.Id].Messages[chatId].Replies

This code returns an error.

  • IChatMessageRepliesCollectionRequest does not include a definition of 'skiptoken'.

How can I use 'skiptoken'? Please help me. Thanks.


  • You can use the below code.

    var queryOptions = new List<QueryOption>() 
    new QueryOption("$skiptoken", "MSwwLDE1OTgwMzU4MTE4OTQ") 
    var replies = await graphClient.Teams["d3b31e36-d63d-4bbe-9478-b4cc7cb17a3d"].Channels["19:342b9f379eb340048b16d9859d9e3712@thread.tacv2"].Messages["1598032654892"].Replies 